auto (au·to)

adjective: of or pertaining to automobiles 

affinity (af·fin·i·ty)

noun: a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.

I’m Sean Mellor and the only thing I love more than cars, trucks, and the industry that surrounds them is connecting friends and family with their next new vehicle. Oh, and cycling, or pretty much anything to do with bicycles! I guess I’m just a transportation enthusiast?

I started down the crazy road of fleet sales in 2000, rode it to the peak in 2007, descended to the depths of “the crash”, and now I’m back heading to wherever this path leads….

I do Commercial Fleet and Autodirect Sales for the Chapman Automotive Group in Scottsdale, AZ and have clients nation wide! If I can ever help you in ANY way just get in touch!
