Let's make a deal, cupcake!

Let’s make a deal, cupcake!

Let’s play word association…… “CAR DEALERSHIP”…… what comes to mind first?

Was it the memory of an outstanding shopping experience? Or was it visions of hours spent in negotiations, bouncing from dealership to dealership (tha is IF you’re allowed to leave). Or, was in that shady stereotypical car salesman doing “whatever” it took to make a deal “today”?

Chances are For most, buying a vehicle will be the 2nd largest purchase they will ever make, yet it remains an unpleasant, anxiety-filled experience that has changed little even with the benefit of online resources.

Hackomotive is a two-day challenge that focuses on re-imagining the car shopping experience. By bringing together consumers, dealers, manufacturers, designers, and technologists the Hackomotive team believes they can reinvent the car buying experience from the ground up and shatter the status quo.

Participants in this event will get to put forth solutions that could greatly impact d the future of car shopping. A panel of judges will then evaluate the proposed solutions to determine the winners. And just what do the winners (and runners-up) get? CASH! And lot’s of it!

1st Place: $10,000 cash prize.

2nd Place: $5,000 cash prize.

3rd Place: $3,000 cash prize

Maybe you just need an excuse for a mini-vaca to Santa Monica OR you truly believe you hold that winning concept that will change the face of the car buying experience FOREVER! Either way, you’ll not want to miss this event. Hackomotive spans two days starting on Wednesday, February 27th and ending on Thursday, February 28th, but don’t miss out on all the fun at the reception the night before as well!

For more on Hackomotive, the event, and some FAQ’s you can visit their site here.

Good luck!